This policy sets out (with transparency and clarity) all relevant warranty information for our workmanship, services provided and the parts we sell. These are applicable for both online and in-store sales. These are in addition to any requirements set out by state or federal governing law and in no way replace our obligations to these laws.
Shaw Performance accepts no responsibility for any associated costs due to faulty products such as (but not limited to) lost labour to remove and reinstall, freight costs, loss of income etc.
You are not entitled to a refund, replacement or repair if you have changed your mind about buying the goods/services, you have found them cheaper elsewhere, you discover that you cannot afford them, you knew the goods had a fault and purchased them anyway, or you have damaged the goods yourself.
We reserve the right to offer replacement or repair prior to offering a full refund.
Warranty - Services & Workmanship
Shaw Performance offers a workmanship warranty of 12 months/20,000km, whichever occurs first.
This guarantees:
- an acceptable level of workmanship is provided
- the works completed (labour/workmanship only) will be suitable for its "expected" life
- quality components are used to ensure reliability over cost savings
- any faults or failures due to faulty components supplied by Shaw Performance OR lack of attention or knowledge by its employees or its representatives. Will be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to customer to the original standard of when the works were carried out
This DOES NOT guarantee:
- any works not acknowledged by Shaw Performance that are completed by its employees or representatives outside of approved work hours and locations.
- any failure or fault that cannot be reasonably attributed to poor workmanship
- labour costs on rectification works for failed components that are outside the manufacturers own warranties.
All sellers and service providers within Australia are obligated to provide a certain level of quality and service as set out by Australian Consumer Law (ACL). You can find the full detail of law at the CBOS (Consumer, Building & Occupational Services) website found HERE.
In addition to these, we guarantee to provide services:
- with due care and skill
- which use appropriate quality parts
- suitable and safe for the intended use
- using an acceptable level of skill or technical knowledge
- take all reasonable steps to avoid loss or damage
- which are fit for the specified purpose as agreed to by the consumer
- that are reasonably fit for the purpose as specified and agreed to by the consumer
- within a reasonable timeframe. What is ‘reasonable’ will depend on the nature of the services, the availability of required parts and existing workload.
Warranty - Goods and services (external suppliers/manufacturers)
We offer no additional warranties on products or services, other than what is provided and documented by the manufacturer. Each manufacturer will provide a different set of conditions regarding any faults and may also set out different processes in assessing/warranting these faults.
All goods sold by Shaw Performance are guaranteed to meet the requirements of statutory warranties as set out by law. You are entitled to claim warranty if the goods:
- are defective
- do not reasonably fit the purpose you bought them;
- does not match a description given to you;
- is not of a reasonable quality bearing in mind price and description.
We guarantee goods & items will be:
- free from defects
- fit for the purpose they were advertised/sold for
- of a acceptable quality, bearing in mind the price you have paid and any description of the goods supplied
Shaw Performance will always act in the best interests of our customers and where able, will support our customers claims as best we can. Please be aware that the manufacturer has the final say and we must abide by their findings. Should the outcomes be deemed unreasonable in the eyes of the law then the processes moving forward will default to those set out by these laws.
Freight costs may be deducted from any claims made for refunds or exchange.
See our policy on Exchanges, Refunds & Returns.