Dyno Tuning Disclaimer
The use of a dyno (dynamometer) is an absolute necessity when it comes to correctly tuning and diagnosing your vehicle. It allows us to:
- Simulate multiple driving conditions in house without risking your car, other motorists on the road or breaking the law.
- Monitor & log multiple aspects of the engines running condition.
- Measure and graph results.
- Optimise results.
It is important to understand that running your vehicle on a dyno (in most cases) will be the highest amount of load the engine will see, compared to your usual daily driving. This allows us to tune for "worst case" scenarios.
Lets be clear, if your vehicle or engine has any underlying problems, this added load can bring them to light. Whilst engine failures are very rare there is always a risk attached to any aftermarket works. The purpose of this disclaimer is to educate our customers on these risks so you are fully informed prior to proceeding with any works requiring the use of a dyno.
Completing any testing, power runs and/or tuning on our Dynotech 4WD Dynamometer (or similar) will push your vehicle past any limits originally intended by the manufacturer. This means that completing any activity on the Dyno comes with certain risks that are deemed to be outside of the operators/equipment owners control or responsibility.
Small mechanical issues (including but not limited to - insufficient fuel delivery systems, poor injectors, incorrect timing, incorrect oils used, poor engine quality, lack of servicing, pre-existing bearing wear, pre-existing detonation, incorrect spark plugs, worn spark plugs, worn timing components etc…) can lead to major mechanical failure.
Shaw Performance will always operate in the best interests of our customers and in accordance with best practices to ensure any risks of damage are minimised as much as possible. Shaw Performance as well as its operators, representatives and employees cannot and will not be liable for any mechanical failures that may occur due to any pre-existing issues that are not evident during a basic examination. If you (the customer) are concerned with the condition of your vehicle then it is your responsibility to query these with your tuner.
We guarantee that all tuning/diagnostic works completed by Shaw Performance as well as its operators, representatives and employees will be covered and warranted IF any failures are clearly and evidently due to poor tuning practices or mechanical works completed.
By proceeding with works, you (the customer) agree that you have provided Shaw Performance with a vehicle that is in a “ready to run” condition and assume all the risks and liabilities associated with the testing or tuning of your vehicle. Shaw Performance cannot guarantee that your engine, powertrain, or complete car will be capable of handling the stresses incurred without the potential for costly failure. Under NO circumstances is Shaw Performance liable for ANY damages to your engine, powertrain, or any part of the vehicle incurred during or after your vehicle is tested and/or tuned on our Dynotech Chassis Dynamometer.
If any part on your car (including but not limited to engine, turbos, intake system, exhaust system, transmission, driveline, differential, or tyres) fail during or after dyno testing and/or tuning, Shaw Performance is in NO way responsible for the repair or replacement or cost thereof of the failed part(s).
If your car has an expensive catastrophic mechanical failure during dyno testing and/or tuning and you have an outstanding balance with Shaw Performance for parts or services rendered before dyno testing or tuning, you will still owe the value in full (including costs of dyno testing/tuning).
If we begin tuning and find that your car is not mechanically sound and it becomes necessary to pull your car off the dyno, diagnose and repair problems in order to be able to safely tune the car to maximum potential, there are costs associated with this work that are not included in your dyno tuning fees. Diagnostics and repairs will increase your wait time.
You may be charged a labour rate for the strapping/unstrapping of your vehicle if your car has to be removed from the dyno for repairs after the car has been strapped down. This covers our operators time for this process.
You are responsible for any additional cost for associated parts, chemicals, lubricants, hardware, components and/or services required to successfully complete the dyno session.
Any vehicle on the chassis dyno that is in need of repair or modification to complete a successful tuning session will be subject to an additional charge (standard labour rate) to correct the problem before dyno testing and/or tuning can commence or resume. This charge is in addition to the charge for dyno time.
Shaw Performance reserves the right to charge additional costs for any cleaning required should your vehicle cause any unreasonable mess due to leaks or failures.
If you are not confident that your car is ready to be put on the dyno, Shaw Performance can inspect the car, and perform the accepted checks and inspections at our regular labour rate. THIS DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THERE WILL BE NO PROBLEMS OR FAILURES ONCE YOUR CAR IS ON THE DYNO. There are issues that may arise that we cannot reasonably see or anticipate through a brief inspection.
By proceeding with ANY works you:
- Acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept the terms stated above.
- Have supplied a vehicle that is ready to be dyno tuned and provided in a ready to run state.
- Understand that Shaw Performance will act within its professional ability to ensure safe operation of your vehicle.
- Acknowledge that you understand and are aware of the potential risks involved with dyno testing / tuning and you waive any and all claims against Shaw Performance for ANY damage to your vehicle as a result thereof.
- By proceeding, you acknowledge and agree that you solely accept the risks, liabilities, and potential expenses of pushing your car to its mechanical limits.